Dr. Jonas Ridderstråle works with a large number of speakers bureaus around the world. Below, you'll find out how to get in touch with him, his main booking hub and some agencies for markets where he is exclusively represented. Of course, all these bureaus will be happy to cooperate with other agencies.
Jonas directly
e-mail: info@jonasridderstrale.com
Main hub
If you want to book Jonas for an event, please contact:
Speakersnet Tel +46 (0)8 545 688 66 Fax: +46 (0)8 545 688 69 e-mail: info@speakersnet.se |
Mailing address: Speakersnet AB Riddargatan 17D SE-114 57 Stockholm |
Go to Speakersnet's site to make a request for an engagement.
Would you like to get in touch with Jonas or ask him for an interview, please contact Speakersnet above.
Exclusive representation
Spain: Thinking Heads
US: BX Worldwide